The Eye Test is for the hoops fan who makes executive decisions from the comfort of their couch, the fan whose eyes defy all data.

The Formula

The Formula is what we use to determine if players and teams pass the eye test. It goes like this:

A.) Do you notice something intriguing, mesmerizing or disconcerting?

B.) Is what you saw worth monitoring and paying attention to?

C.) Are you convicted enough with your take to write about it?

A + B = C.

It’s a simple formula that entrusts attentive viewership.


The Eye Test was created not so much as a counter to the analytics revolution but as a way to rely on eyesight as our most valuable asset. As full-time Social Workers who are committed to a life of service, it can be challenging to find the time to dive deep into the advanced metrics. As a result, our basketball conversations are informed mostly by what we see. Does our viewing expertise align with what the data tells us? Not always. Does the visceral experience of watching basketball lead to hot takes and thoughtful discourse? We think so. Our features include:

Couch GM, where you can read posts on everything from innovative rankings to fake trades.

Social Work, where we discuss the non-obvious and all things interpersonal on and off the basketball court.

The Eye Test, where we write about what we see, what captures our interest, and what we believe stands up to the analytic hype.

Thanks for taking the time to read our stuff and send us an email if you would like to post some words.

Contact us.

Got an idea for post? send us your email and a pitch with a few sentences and we will send you the details.